Pick A Controversial Problem On College Campuses And Suggest A Solution

‘Hookup’ culture, sexual assault, and what happens to the accused following a rape on college are all a part of a growing controversial problem. At one time, women who accused men of rape were silenced while the man often received few consequences for his actions, if any. The rate of rape has declined slightly- as of 2,000 it was predicted that 1 in 4 women would be sexually assaulted on college campuses and as of the Obama Administration, that rate dropped to 1 in 5. In 80% of cases, drugs and/or alcohol played a role in the assault. It is no doubt that this is a problem, but how should it be corrected? College campuses must respond in a manner that targets the ‘hookup’ culture of most college campuses, be fair to both parties, including the accused, appropriately reprimand actions, and take the steps necessary to provide a safe learning environment for students to learn.

A great first step includes sexual education that will target the ‘hookup’ culture of most college campuses. Many students sleep with another to raise their status and increase popularity. This attitude is the one that leads groups like athletes to seek regular sexual encounters to boost their status. Women may also seek hookups from guys with a higher popularity than them, with the same goal. The best solution for this area is proper sexual education. In many states, children and young adults are not given sexual education that will help them understand sexual interactions and possible consequences, as well as what they can do to have a healthy sexual relationship. Proper sexual education (and reading materials) should be available to all students.

The second step is to establish a system that is fair to both parties involved. While most women who claim rape have been the victim of a sexual assault, there are cases where the male becomes the victim. This may happen because the female victim is ashamed of the encounter, especially if she is a virgin, rumors get spread, or her religion prohibits the encounter. While women should be protected, they should also be made accountable when false accusations are made. Being accused of rape can ruin a man’s life.

The final step is to ensure all students feel safe and protected on campus. There are several elements, including having a clinic with morning-after pills and STD-prevention pills following a rape, teaching campus security and other personnel how to handle the situation when someone has been raped, and offering long-term counseling for victims. Students should never be afraid of going to a school to earn their education.

To help prevent sexual assault, proper sexual education, appropriate reactions to both a rape and a false rape accusation, and developing a safe, supportive environment will help colleges keep students safe. This is important. After all, most students do not attend college looking for trouble. They attend to better themselves and improve their education for a better future.